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Normal or Not? – Dogs and Hot Spots

By Colleen Williams and medically reviewed by Sarah Wallace DVM
published: May 10, 2016 - updated: January 18, 2023 • 4 min. read
dog with a hot spot wearing a collar

Key Takeaways

  • Hot spots, or acute moist dermatitis, are areas of red and inflamed skin
  • Environmental allergies commonly cause hot spots on dogs.
  • Hot spots are most common on a dog’s ears, back end, and back legs.
  • Treat hot spots by trimming hair and by cleaning and medicating the area.
  • Help prevent hot spots with regular grooming and preventative flea medication.

Normal dogs will scratch and groom themselves intermittently as they see fit. However, some dogs will excessively itch or chew on themselves to the point of self-trauma.  When the itchy area becomes red and wet, a condition called “acute moist dermatitis” has developed – more commonly known to pet parents as “hot spots.”

What are hot spots?

Hot spots are most commonly recognized as areas of red, inflamed skin but can be more severe to the point of damaging the skin – called ulceration. As the skin becomes inflamed, the local blood supply allows blood and immune cells out of the blood vessels into the area of concern. This migration accounts for the redness of the skin that develops and the increasing warmth of the area. This warmth is how they earned the name “hot spots.” They are more likely to turn up in the summer.

Protect your pet

What causes hot spots on dogs

Overwhelmingly, the most common causes of body itchiness and hot spots are environmental allergies, other types of allergies, and fleas. Dogs will chew, rub and scratch at one area to try to relieve the itch. However, the more the dog scratches and chews, the itchier the area becomes. The wet and inflamed or broken skin that results creates an opportunity for bacteria to enter and reproduce, creating more inflammation and more itchiness. Hot spots can develop anywhere on a dog’s body, but are most commonly found near the ears, back end, or back legs.

Hot spot symptoms

Signs of hot spots include visible cues on the dog’s body as well as behavioral cues.

  • Excessive scratching, licking, and biting at a certain area
  • An area of matted fur may be a hidden hot spot
  • An area of missing fur with a red wound, a whitish or yellowish wound, or a scab in the middle from bleeding
  • Severely infected hot spots can produce a foul odor as well 

Treating hot spots in dogs

Because your dog’s chewing and licking only makes the issue worse, it is important to prevent your dog from accessing the area. Use a cone that reaches past your dog’s snout, cover the affected area with loose clothing (such as a sock if it is on the dog’s leg or a T-shirt if the spot is on the dog’s chest or belly), or keep close watch on your dog to make sure he’s not licking or biting it.

The sooner you treat the condition, the less severe it will be. Treat it at home as soon as possible will relieve the itchiness immediately, heal the skin, and prevent potential pain as a result of an untreated infection.

  1. Trim the hair around the hot spot to reveal the extent of the infection. This will allow you to properly clean the wound (and keep it clean).
  2. Clean the hot spot multiple times per day during the first few days with warm water and a gentle, antibacterial soap such as Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Baby Unscented soap or antiseptic solution like chlorhexidine (diluted 1:10). Make sure to pat dry after cleansing.
  3. Apply a cool compress two to four times a day with a washcloth run under cold water and then placed into a plastic bag or zip lock bag – the cool temperature will feel nice without adding moisture to the wound.
  4. Medicate the area. There are a number of over-the-counter topical sprays, medicated shampoos, and herbal therapies available to treat hot spots. Call your vet for a pet-safe recommendation.
  5. If it doesn’t improve at home after two days or for severe or reoccurring cases, visit your dog’s veterinarian. Your pup may need oral antibiotics or anti-inflammatory injections prescribed and administered at the veterinary hospital.

What do I need to watch out for while my dog is healing from a hot spot?

While your dog is healing from a hot spot, you’ll want to take some precautions to ensure he doesn’t inflame it.

If you bath your dog while he has a hot spot, don’t use any medicated shampoos or flea treatments, which is like pouring a chemical into an open wound. Use only water and gentle soap.

Try not to touch the hot spot except when applying treatment and make sure other family members or pets can’t touch it. The hotspot needs to be kept clean and dry to heal properly so your pet won’t be able to go swimming for about 14 days.

How to prevent hot spots

  • Talk to your dog’s veterinarian about addressing the cause of the itchiness behind the hot spots.
  • Use a monthly, year-round flea preventive.
  • If your dog has environmental allergies, daily medications or immunotherapy can be used to decrease your dog’s itchiness.
  • Brush and groom your pet regularly, especially if he or she is a long-haired breed.
  • Dry your dog immediately after any swimming or bathing to prevent bacterial infections. Regularly inspect your dog’s skin for any cuts, ticks, fleas or bleeding. Apply anti-bacterial ointment or spray to any small cuts; seek veterinary care for larger lesions that may require stitches.

Hot spots can manifest quickly, and the bacterial infection can take weeks to heal, even if treated immediately. Proper cleaning and application of an anti-bacterial product can stop a hot spot in its tracks. Be especially aware of hot spots during the summer. With loving care and a watchful eye, your dog can recover from a hot spot with no ongoing problems.

The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical diagnosis, condition, or treatment options.

Hot spots are covered by the Healthy Paws plan, as long as they are not a pre-existing condition. Learn more on our dog insurance page or get a free quote now.

colleen williams
By Colleen Williams

Over the past decade, Colleen has written about health, wellness, beauty, and even pets for The New York Times, The Cut, Refinery29, xoVain, Healthy Paws...Show more

Over the past decade, Colleen has written about health, wellness, beauty, and even pets for The New York Times, The Cut, Refinery29, xoVain, Healthy Paws Pet Insurance, and Seattle Met Magazine, as well as many beauty brands. She has a BFA in Art History from the University of New Mexico and an AAS in Fashion Design from Parsons School of Design in New York.

Sarah Wallace DVM profile photo
By Sarah Wallace DVM

Dr. Sarah Wallace is the vice president of telehealth at Galaxy Vets, based in Fort Collins, Colo. She is actively working to increase access to veterinary care, to develop more effective communication strategies to bridge the gap between veterinarian knowledge and pet parent understanding and build happy and sustainable veterinary teams. Dr. Wallace studied biology at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania and attended veterinary school at Western University of Health Sciences in California. After graduation, Dr. Wallace started working with Just Food for Dogs, an innovative pet food startup out of southern California advocating fresh, whole-food diets for dogs. She also completed a small animal rotating internship at San Francisco Veterinary Specialists - receiving one-on-one training with San Francisco's top veterinarians in internal medicine, neurology, dermatology, oncology and surgery. After working in clinical practice, Dr. Wallace joined the field of telehealth. Dr. Wallace writes and reviews blog content for Healthy Paws Pet Insurance. Dr. Sarah Wallace on LinkedIn

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