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Fire Safety Day: Products to Keep Your Pet Safe

By Stacy Painter
published: July 13, 2022 - updated: June 1, 2023 • 2 min. read
gray cat next to candle

National Fire Safety Day is July 15. Do you know how to keep your pet safe in case of a fire? See below for tips on how to help prevent fires and stay safe in case of a fire. The infographic recommends several useful products to help prevent fires and stay safe.

Here are some products you should consider to keep your pet safe from fire and how they can help.

Monitored smoke detectors: These are connected to your wifi network and can send real-time alerts to your phone. A monitored smoke detector can give you much-needed peace of mind while you are out and about and your pet is home alone. 

Flameless candles: If your dog or cat likes to jump on furniture, then traditional candles are a serious hazard, even while you are home to supervise them. Consider switching to flameless candles so you can enjoy the ambiance without the threat of fire.

Stove knob covers: Dogs with curious noses may try jumping up on the stove to get closer to the smell, resulting in an accidental turn of a knob. Knob covers will prevent your stove from being accidentally turned on by pets or kids. 

Fireplace pet fence: Many pets seek the comfort of a warm spot, whether it’s the sun coming through the window or a warm fire. Protect them from getting too close by setting up a barrier.

Wire covers: For pets that tend to chew, wire covers are a must. Protect your pet and your wires, while at the same time preventing a potential fire.

Pet alert stickers: If a fire were to occur while your pets were home alone, alert stickers will let first responders know that there are animals in the home. These stickers let you specify what types of pets, how many, and an emergency contact number.

Review more helpful pet safety tips in this infographic.

Stacy Painter profile
By Stacy Painter

Stacy has always been an animal lover and has worked in the pet industry and pet insurance specifically for over a decade. As a writer since early childh...Show more

Stacy has always been an animal lover and has worked in the pet industry and pet insurance specifically for over a decade. As a writer since early childhood, content writing for Healthy Paws pet insurance was a natural career path to combine her two passions. She currently lives in Florida with her boyfriend and Taiwanese rescue dog, Kaya.

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