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When looking to add a new cat to your home, you may think about longevity. Let’s be honest, we’re all thinking about it—we want our pets to live as long as possible. While there isn’t a magic potion to make them live forever (yet), you can choose a cat breed known to live a long time, relatively speaking. These ten cat breeds have the longest lifespans, often living into their late teens and even early twenties.
Known for their striking blue eyes, sleek bodies and short coats, Siamese cats can often live 15-20 years or even longer. This breed is highly social and intelligent and enjoys interacting and playing with its human family members.

Burmese cats are affectionate and companionate kitties who enjoy following their pet parents around the house. This breed typically lives between 15 to 18 years, with some reaching into their early twenties.

This breed is known for its large size, blue eyes, and silky coat. Ragdolls are very docile, gentle, affectionate cats that enjoy playing and being held. These traits make this cuddly kitty a wonderful family companion that can live 15-20 years.

Savannah cats are a hybrid breed known for their exotic, wild appearance and spotted coat. They are very active, intelligent, and adventurous. Savannah cats are loyal and can form strong bonds with their pet parents. This breed can live up to 17-20 years.

Recognized by their hairlessness, the Sphynx cat is an incredibly affectionate and cuddly breed. With proper care, your family can enjoy 15-20 years of companionship with this playful and energetic kitty.

The Balinese cat has a sleek build, luxurious silky coat, and blue eyes. They tend to be vocal and social, thriving on interaction with their families. This loyal breed has a long lifespan, often reaching 18-22 years of age.

Russian Blue
With their blue-gray coat and vivid green eyes, the Russian Blue cat is a gentle yet somewhat reserved and shy breed. Once they form a bond with their pet parents, they are loyal and affectionate. This quiet, calm breed typically lives between 15 and 20 years.

This unique breed is known for its short stubby tail or sometimes no tail at all. They are playful, intelligent, and affectionate, often displaying dog-like behaviors. This cat breed can live 15 to 20 years.

Egyptian Mau
Egyptian Mau cats have beautiful, naturally spotted coats and a graceful, athletic build. This active and agile cat is loyal and forms a strong bond with its family but can be shy around strangers. Egyptian Maus typically live 12 to 16 years with some living much longer.

With its sleek, panther-like appearance and shiny black coat, the Bombay cat is a confident and curious breed. They are social and affectionate and often seek out attention and cuddles from their pet parents. This playful breed typically lives between 12 and 16 years.
It’s important to remember that an individual cat’s lifespan will vary based on many factors, including their health. Keeping your kitty at a healthy weight can help extend their years, as well as getting regular vet check-ups to catch any potential health concerns early. And if an injury or illness does occur, cat insurance can help with the veterinary costs of care.